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Social Doubles Tennis

We would like to invite all Tennis players to the courts on Saturday, September 14th (rain date: Sunday, September 15th) from 2 pm to 7 pm to enjoy an afternoon of social doubles tennis.  

We'll have a sign-up board where you can sign-up to play with others.  We expect it will be mostly doubles, but if play slows down, singles might be an option.  

Please bring your beverage of choice as well as chairs so that when you're not playing, you can spectate in comfort!  Snacks will be supplied, but additional snacks would be greatly appreciated!

This event is open to residents of Bay Hills and their invited guests - the more the merrier.  If we get a really big response we could start earlier, but for now we'll start at 2 pm.

Please let Steve Harper - know if you would like to come and how many from your group there will be.  

All skill levels are welcome!  We'll balance teams to try and create more even matches, but it's really just an opportunity to hit some tennis balls and meet other tennis players!